For those seeking to create a more connected world

It all began with a click.

I posted my personal blog as a way to hold myself accountable.
“Who is going to read it anyways?” I thought.

I was wrong. I woke up to over a million views, thousands of personal messages from those who wanted to help and hundreds of personal stories.

I realized two things:
1. People care deeply about this issue.
2. People want to help, but they don't know how.

So began my quest.

I had 200+ conversations with experts, founders, researchers, doctors, teens, retirees, parents, grassroot leaders and community builders. They challenged me, inspired me and blew me away.

But I know I am just getting started.

This is my attempt to lift the veil and inspire more entrepreneurs, researchers, and community builders to join the "loneliness busters" squad.

We need all hands on deck, now more than ever.